you would have to first download the data
Downloading the data for the tutorial
We assume you have a working copy of PLINK/SEQ already installed. The data for this tutorial are in two archives you need to download:- pseq-tut1.tar.gz [ 1.1M ] : VCFs and a few auxiliary data files
- resources-hg18-0.02.tar.gz [ 1.1G ] : a (relatively large) bundle of resource databases (RefSeq genes, dbSNP variants, hg18 sequence)
but do note that the resources link is broken for now possibly pending changes? the download for ver 0.0.8 of the program is also disabled.
you may download the hg19 version of the resources at
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UPDATE: a better page to describe the resources can be found here
although only hg19 is avail
Is it possible that you send me the file pop.phe in pseq-tut1.tar.gz? Thanks a lot!