Thursday 23 June 2011

Ewan's Blog; bioinformatician at large: Five statistical things I wished I had been taught 20 years ago

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 Five statistical things I wished I had been taught 20 years ago

I came through the English educational system, which meant that although I was mathematically minded, because I had chosen biochemistry for my undergraduate, my maths teaching rapidly stopped - in university I took the more challenging "Maths for Chemists" option in my first year, though in retrospect that was probably a mistake because it was all about partial differentiation, and not enough stats. Probably the maths for biologists was a better course, but even that I think spent too much time on things like t-test and ANOVA, and not enough on what you need. To my subsequent regret, no one took my aside and said "listen mate, you're going to be doing alot of statistics, so just get the major statistical tools under your belt now".

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