Tuesday, 29 May 2012

How Not To Be A Bioinformatician Source Code for Biology and Medicine 2012, 7:3 doi:10.1186/1751-0473-7-3

How Not To Be A Bioinformatician
Source Code for Biology and Medicine 2012, 7:3 doi:10.1186/1751-0473-7-3

Although published material exists about the skills required for a successful bioinformatics career, strangely enough no work to date has addressed the matter of how to excel at not being a bioinformatician. A set of basic guidelines and a code of conduct is hereby presented to re-address that imbalance for fellow-practitioners whose aim is to not to succeed in their chosen bioinformatics field. By scrupulously following these guidelines one can be sure to regress at a highly satisfactory rate.



"Be unreachable and isolated. Configure your contact email to either bounce back or
permanently set it to vacation. Miss key meetings or seminars where other colleagues may be presenting their seminal results and never, ever make any attempt at remembering their names or where they work. Reinvent the wheel. Do not keep up with the literature on current methods of research if you possibly can. "

was this even neccessary to be in the paper?


  1. > was this even neccessary to be in the paper?

    Why not?

  2. I don't feel that checking ur email makes you a good bioinformatician nor does not checking your email make you a bad one. It's too generic and feels like a filler rule or something for comic effect .. i had a good laugh though!

  3. If I was asked, actually I might have added/replaced the rule ' Never try to find out what went behind the scenes in the generation of the data. This gives you denial plausibility if the paper has to be retracted. After all you can only assume that the bench biologists did everything right and like biologists who hate math, you hate biology, never shall the twain meet!' :)

  4. The same question could be asked of the whole paper


Datanami, Woe be me