Thursday, 29 October 2020

IonCRAM: a reference-based compression tool for ion torrent sequence files

 IonCRAM: a reference-based compression tool for ion torrent sequence files 

 IonCRAM, the first reference-based compression tool to compress Ion Torrent BAM files for long term archiving. For the BAM files, IonCRAM could achieve a space saving of about 43%. This space saving is superior to what achieved with the CRAM format by about 8–9%.

Future research for reducing the space consumption of the Ion Torrent BAM files would include the binning of the flow signal and quality values. The idea of binning was initially introduced by Illumina [] to reduce the space consumption of the quality values. This initiative was immediately followed by intensive research to optimize the binning procedure and address its effect on the downstream analysis, especially on the variant calling step []. We think that the binning of flow signals and quality data of Ion Torrent would also be successful, provided that the manufacturer contribute to this research. We added an option to IonCRAM for binning the flow signals, in a similar way to the binning method implemented in [], and measured its effect on compression (Supplementary File 1). We left the step for investigating the effect of this binning on the downstream analysis to further research.

It is worth mentioning that IonCRAM has not been only used for the test data in the paper, it has also been used to compress and backup thousands of files for the Saudi Human Genome Program. IonCRAM is an open source and it is available for free along with the related test data at the tool website


Static ip on Jessie Raspbian with dhcpcd.conf

Static IP address templates for dhcpcd.conf

# TEMPLATE: A static IP address only when no DHCP
#           The profile name is arbitrary. Use "fred"
#           if you want. Not much we can put as
#           default servers, but set them up as
#           you usually would.
interface eth0
fallback nodhcp

profile nodhcp
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

Trying to do this

Future of Genomics: 10 bold predictions

 Curious about research priorities and opportunities for human genomics for the next decade? You should read on.

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) this week published its “Strategic vision for improving human health at The Forefront of Genomics” in the journal Nature.

The strategic vision culminates with 10 bold predictions for human genomics by 2030. Crafted to be both inspirational and aspirational, the predictions are intended to provoke thoughtful discussions (and even debate) about what might be possible in the coming decade.

I must say that I expected people to store their encrypted genome sequences on smartphones anduse 5G networks to launch on the fly analyses a few years back. Not sure if we will have that by 2030!

it's also a good time to review the 5 years prediction from 2015
 Read about gold genomes and platinum genomes... 

The 2020 NHGRI Strategic Vision is available online at




Datanami, Woe be me