Mining Massive Datasets by Stanford University on Coursera. Let the fun begin ... In the next seven weeks, we will present to you many of the important tools for extracting information from very large datasets. Each week there will be a number of videos to watch, and one or more homeworks to do. The materials are backed up by a free on-line textbook, also published by Cambridge University Press, also called "Mining of Massive Datasets." You can download the book at
The first week is devoted to two topics:
MapReduce: A programming system for easily implementing parallel algorithms on commodity clusters. This material is in the first four videos available for the week.
Link Analysis: The remaining seven videos discuss the PageRank algorithm that made Google more effective than previous search engines.
There is also a single homework covering both topics. This homework is classified as "Basic." See below for an explanation of basic vs. advanced work, and the significance.
Thermo Fisher Scientific recently announced their new sequencer, the Ion S5™ Sequencer. The system was designed to free up researchers time with a simple load and go reagents and fast sequencing times. In the video below, you will see how simple the Ion S5 System is to setup. First, the video walks through initialization, a quick 30 minute process that gets the system ready for sequencing. Then, you just simply need to swap out the old chip used for initialization with the chip with your sample, loaded during an Ion Chef™ System run. And as far as speed on the Ion S5 System is concerned, sequencing is fast – allowing you to complete a run in as little as two hour thanks to the semiconductor sequencing technology.
Kevin: Hmmm why choose S5 for a model name ..don't you know about ?